All cash advance loans (also called payday loans) are fee-based loans. That means you pay about $15-30 per $100 borrowed in most states. Every state has established its own limitations on what a lender can charge you in fees. Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) do not apply as these loans are short-term loans that never exceed a few months.
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All in all, the data shows that most Americans have more or less similar preferences for payday loans regardless of where they live, their ages, and their incomes. The only real variations were the underlying reasons that encouraged them to request a payday loan. However, almost all grounds were legitimate and not frivolous.
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There is another option called auto title loans. However, you have to put up your car as collateral, and if you miss a payment, the lender can often seize your car. Most people rely on their car to get to their workplace, so losing it is not a good prospect. Also, auto title loans are not legal in most states, so it is not an alternative for most people.
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A cash advance loan, also known as a payday loan, is a type of loan that is taken out and paid back within a short period of time (31 days or less). This type of loan is typically used to cover emergency expenses until your next payday.
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Exactly what is a cash advance online? Well, most people simply call it a payday loan. They are the same thing. A cash advance online can help you handle unexpected auto repairs, medical emergency costs, or other emergencies.
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