An emergency fund can help you cover unexpected expenses such as car repairs, medical bills, household expenses, and more. Having extra money in your savings account can help you avoid borrowing or taking out loans that have high interest rates or fees.
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Many payday loan lenders have some restrictions on the minimum and maximum amount you can borrow. Before applying for a loan, determine how much money you will need guaranteed and whether your lender offers the same amount or not.
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Mother’s Day is just around the corner! It’s the perfect day to honor that special woman in your life who taught you everything. Celebrate this Mother’s Day by giving your mother an exceptional gift.
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A new short-term loan law goes into effect in Ohio to save Ohioans from getting trapped into a debt cycle. The new law follows standards already established in many other states, but there are a few differences.
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When paying off debts, you must decide the order you are going to pay off your bills. You can avoid late fees, defaulting on payments, and paying high-interest rates by creating a solid debt repayment plan.
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People who find themselves deep in personal debt often panic because they don’t know what to do next. However, by staying calm and reviewing your financial situation you will find a way to tackle your debt.
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If you are disabled until you reach your retirement age, you can receive Social Security disability benefits and then Social Security retirement payments. However, you need to take some measures to keep your SSD benefits in effect until you reach your retirement age.
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Social Security disability benefits can provide income to those who are not able to earn sufficient money due to their disability. At times, SSD funds may not be sufficient for people to live the lifestyle they once had.
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Also known as the "Card Act," the new law went into effect the following February. Nearly a decade later, a recent survey showed less than half of Americans knew about it. You should be aware of what this law means and how it affects borrowing.
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Electronically submitting your tax return (e-filing) is often faster, more convenient, and actually more secure than paper filing. However, if you are going to e-file, you should have your taxes done by a professional of your choice.
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