Interest rates for payday loans vary from state to state and may change frequently. Be sure to check your state website to review APRs and regulations that apply to you. Most states have limited payday loan amounts to $100 to $500 but some may allow loans up to $1,000 for payday loans online and over $1,000 for installment loans.
State | APR % | Max Loan Amount |
Alabama | 456 | $500 |
Alaska | 435 | $500 |
Hawaii | 460 | $600 |
Indiana | 382 | $550 |
Kansas | 391 | $500 |
Kentucky | 460 | $500 |
Michigan | 369 | $600 |
Mississippi | 521 | $500 |
Missouri | 443 | $500 |
Nebraska | 460 | $500 |
New Hampshire | N/A | $500 |
North Dakota | 487 | $500 |
Ohio | 677 | $500 |
Oklahoma | 395 | $500 |
Rhode Island | 261 | $500 |
South Carolina | 391 | $550 |
South Dakota | N/A | $500 |
Tennessee | 460 | $500 |
Virginia | 601 | $500 |
State | APR % | Max Loan Amount |
Idaho | 652 | $1,000 |
Illinois | 404 | $1,000 or 25% of gross monthly income, whichever is less |
Nevada | 652 | 25% of gross monthly income |
New Mexico | 416 | $2,500 |
Texas | 662 | Not specified |
Utah | 658 | Not specified |
Washington | 391 | $700 or 30% of gross monthly income, whichever is less |
Wisconsin | 574 | Not specified |
Wyoming | 261 | Not specified |
State | APR % | Max Loan Amount |
California | 460 | $300 |
Louisiana | 391 | $350 |
Minnesota | 200 | $350 |
Montana | N/A | $300 |
State | APR % | Max Loan Amount |
Colorado | 214% APR | $500 with a minimum loan term of 6 months |
Oregon | 154 | $50,000 with a minimum loan term of 31 days |
State | APR % | Max Loan Amount |
Arizona | N/A | Prohibited |
Arkansas | N/A | Prohibited |
Connecticut | N/A | Prohibited |
Georgia | N/A | Prohibited |
Maine | Only supervised lenders are permitted to cash or advance money on a postdated check | |
Maryland | N/A | Prohibited |
Massachusetts | N/A | Prohibited |
New Jersey | N/A | Prohibited |
New York | N/A | Prohibited |
North Carolina | N/A | Prohibited |
Pennsylvania | N/A | Prohibited |
Vermont | N/A | Prohibited |
West Virginia | N/A | Prohibited |
The tables above cover all 50 U.S. states and their respective loan terms or amounts. Loan APRs and terms, etc. can be changed at any time and this listing is for informational purposes only!
Online payday loans offer solutions for temporary cash shortages and are not intended to be a way to manage your budget.