Missing a payment could result in large penalties or a repossession such as your car or major appliance. In this case the fees you pay on your payday loan may be well less than the cost of missing the payment. This is especially true with utility bills and checks that may bounce if not covered at your bank. NSF fees are $35 a check and utility companies are infamous for excessive penalties, new deposits and fees, restart fees, etc. that can add up to hundreds of dollars.
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The federal government and every state have strict laws governing all lending including payday lenders. Most states require a lender to be licensed in that state to even operate. And most states have caps on both interest rates and fees that the lender can charge you. This protects consumers nationwide.
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There is often confusion when it comes to terms like Gross and Net Pay. In part, this is because the average person does not deal with these terms on a regular basis. Let’s take a quick look at the difference.
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All in all, the data shows that most Americans have more or less similar preferences for payday loans regardless of where they live, their ages, and their incomes. The only real variations were the underlying reasons that encouraged them to request a payday loan. However, almost all grounds were legitimate and not frivolous.
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Around the year 2005, the National Retail decided to name the first Monday after Thanksgiving as Cyber Monday.
It was predicted to be the biggest shopping day of the year but did not start out that way. It has steadily grown every year to be a huge shopping day and is still growing in terms of overall sales processed.
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Black Friday is both in-store and online. Some people still go out at 4 am and line up to get a special deal, but more and more people do their shopping online. Almost all retailers have in-person Black Friday sales and online specials, while some even have better prices online than in-store.
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Opening a bank account online takes a few minutes if you are eligible and have the required documents ready. Depending on the type of account you want to open, you may or may not require to deposit money immediately. Making an initial deposit is easier if you already have an account at another bank.
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Personal loans do not require any collateral as they are unsecured loans. Payday loans are similar to unsecured installment loans because they do not require any collateral. You can also receive a small sum of money that has to be repaid within 2 to 4 weeks or at your next pay date.
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A new short-term loan law goes into effect in Ohio to save Ohioans from getting trapped into a debt cycle. The new law follows standards already established in many other states, but there are a few differences.
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