Even in this day and age, it is amazing how few people really know what they spend and what for. Setting up a budget and tracking all your expenditures is a responsible and great habit to form. Most people have items they spend money on every month that they can reduce or eliminate in tough times. And the amount each month is often far more than they realized until they tracked their expenses. A simple coffee drink 3 times a week can add up to $60-75 per month. Going out to eat adds up even faster, even if it is cheaper food.
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Many people have poor or bad credit. No matter your score, there are ways to improve it quickly and save a lot of money in the future. The first is to get your debts paid off. Start with the highest interest but small account that you can get paid off. Then go to the next and so on.
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Generally, if you have a bad score, you will pay higher interest rates when you borrow. For example, if you get a new car, bad credit history often impacts other things like your auto insurance. And, in some cases, your bad credit may stop you from getting a job as many employers now do credit checks before they hire someone.
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