Payday loans are an essential way to get quick cash when you experience an emergency expense such as a medical bill, auto repair, or other critical expenses that you must pay right away. Payday loans may or may not affect your credit scores.

Payday loans are an essential way to get quick cash when you experience an emergency expense such as a medical bill, auto repair, or other critical expenses that you must pay right away. Payday loans may or may not affect your credit scores.
If you budget well and can pay off all your debt (except maybe an auto lease), your score will likely improve since this factor is over a third of your score and impacts it greatly. If you can then maintain a good history and make any payments on time or early, you will probably see additional improvements in your scores.
Generally, if you have a bad score, you will pay higher interest rates when you borrow. For example, if you get a new car, bad credit history often impacts other things like your auto insurance. And, in some cases, your bad credit may stop you from getting a job as many employers now do credit checks before they hire someone.